As it is written the lord points out your thoughts are not my thoughts, showing his raw intellect surpasses any of our intellects combine. When do I ask some people do they believe in God? They will reply I believe in the universe. Then end up spending time to convince them, that the consciousness of the universe and God the Father is one of the same. For example, Steve Hawking led many people to believe it was an accidental big bang that created the universe but what he failed to understand the consistency of the bang power. That the same power he imagined is the same power God the father holds, with consistency but instead of destruction he uses it to create in a beautiful way.
Take a moment to consider all the beauty in the world, the universe, creatures, plants, etc. He creates with so much grace and mercy, that’s what Jesus came down to show us. No matter what power you think you have, it is more powerful to care, cherish, grow, create, encourage, and resist ill will. I will hear people say there is no God but borrow from God every day, the air we breathe, food, blood circulation, the spark in every living thing including the insects and trees is a piece of him. Yet some take those things for granted.
I believe even Albert Einstein was the brink of discovery, The God particle the spark and energy we use daily has another dimension. For example, God gave us an example of a dwelling place where no one can go that is filled with energy and light. That means anything with darkness will get disintegrate in the highest dwelling place, where God the father resides. It’s like living inside of lightning bolt; everything will get hardened and back to dust. That’s why only Jesus –Yeshua spirit can enter. No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. John 6:46 (NIV). This verse shows that Jesus’s spirit was first created in this realm and through him created this reality.
But in the background God the father is holding our existence together like he says he knows the hair on your body for he is growing them and everything else. Another thing we as his creations take for granted, body functions you don’t have to think about like making your heart pump, lungs to breathe, water and food circulate, you ever heard power in the blood, each blood cell is a nanocomputer carrying information, power, and other cool things for our body to function carrying our spiritual energy to the physical world. So every morning we wake up is a privilege, that we should thank father God and Jesus who put us together and the Holy Spirit who teaches us these things.
God also reveals inventions we barely tapped into like time travel for he is omnipresence and that time is a creation to govern people from sun up to sundown. So your boss who’s getting on your case to be a couple of minutes late is just wasting breathe. The next thing is teleportation and dimensional travel, and infinite energy. Just to say God is the author of our reality, Our Lord and savior tried to show us that by walking on water, multiplying food, and restoring life. That if align our will to his, our reality can become limitless like the matrix, and there is no spoon lol.