Follow our 12-step program to getting closer to Christ Jesus.
Step 1: Admit that you are a sinner in need of a Savior. Recognize that you cannot save yourself and that you need Jesus to redeem you.
Step 2: Believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Confess your faith in Him and trust in Him alone for your salvation.
Step 3: Repent of your sins. Turn away from your old ways and follow Jesus with a renewed heart and mind.
Step 4: Read the Bible regularly. Spend time studying God’s Word and meditating on its teachings.
Step 5: Pray daily. Develop a consistent prayer life and communicate with God regularly.
Step 6: Attend church regularly. Connect with other believers and worship together as a community.
Step 7: Serve others. Look for opportunities to serve those in need and demonstrate Christ’s love to the world.
Step 8: Forgive others. Release any bitterness or grudges you may be holding onto and extend forgiveness as Christ has forgiven you.
Step 9: Seek accountability. Find a trusted friend or mentor who can hold you accountable in your faith journey.
Step 10: Share your faith with others. Look for opportunities to share the Gospel and be a witness for Christ to those around you.
Step 11: Practice generosity. Give of your time, talents, and resources to bless others and further God’s kingdom.
Step 12: Surrender your life to Christ. Allow Him to guide your steps and submit your will to His. Trust in His plan for your life and follow Him wherever He leads.
Only through Christ all things are possible.