Why Christianity Is True
Joseph R. Farinaccio
BookSpecs Publishing
There are individuals whose contributions, both large and
small, help turn someone’s idea into a reality. This book is no
exception. Each of them contributed something special, not the least
of which was their time. My parents, Joseph and Anne Farinaccio, are
treasured gifts from God. Christian Education director Rev. David
Hutchinson offered a theological critique. English instructor Vincent
Farinaccio provided editorial skills. Fellow church member Linda
Smookler made numerous manuscript corrections and offered
insightful suggestions. Longtime friend George Perez created the
book cover. My brother Paul Farinaccio furnished a logo. Pastor and
theologian Charles Betters offered his endorsement. And my family –
Joni, Matthew, and Nicole all patiently allowed me to spend many
hours in front of the computer. I can never say “Thank You” enough
to all of you.